TL;DR 002

Welcome to the 2nd issue of TLDR. This week we focus on the new and different Apple, and we take a deeper dive into Functional Programming.


Every Jony Ive interview I've watched is very similar to the Steve Jobs interviews we've witnessed. Jony is able to discuss design in a very thoughtful and serious way. When listening to Jony you immediately believe every thing he says, as every thing he says holds merit. I won't spoil the interview, but just now that this is a MUST WATCH!


For podcasting fans. You can search for any person, and this app will list all of the podcast episodes where that person has been listed. Great for podcast research.

Free video conferencing is something we can always use. No download necessary, just make sure you are using Chrome or Firefox and you can video chat with anyone in the world.

Live hi-res weather radar map for your current location. Really awesome graphics here. I can stare at this weather app for hours. Actually I have.


NeoVim is taking over the Vim scene at an alarming rate. It is because of things like the NeoVim Terminal which encourages Vim enthusiast to shift over. You summon the NeoVim Terminal by executing the following the command


Do you need a quick comprehensive overview of React. This is great for both beginners and expert React developers. The github project goes to the limits to teach JS, ES6, Babel, Redux, Webpack, how to deploy and develop using npm. I will hold on to the links provided in this post, and consider several of these options whenever build a React app.


Functional Reactive Programming will definitely be the buzzword of the year. Yet doesn't make FRP a bad thing necessarily. Its a different paradigm of writing code that most web developers are foreign to. In this gist @andrestalz gives a quick overview of what exactly Reactive Programming is and how it can be used to make your code easier to reason with. Observables/Streams are one of the key concepts in Rx/Reactive Programming, since everything in Rx is simply a stream. In Rx, we have stream functions such as map, filter, scan, merge, combineLatest, startWith, and many more to control the flow of an event-driven program. This toolset of functions gives you more power in less code. For a great overview on exactly what streams are check out this article which also has great visuals.

As the title of this article states, "Functional Programming for Javascript People" this article does a nice overview of what Functional Programming is by explaining functional code concepts in Haskell and Clojure and showing how these concepts can be used in Javascript with help of libraries like Ramda, LoDash, and Lazy.JS. The author provides tons of wikipedia links to all of the functional concepts out there like Category Theory, Monads, and Referential Transparency. If you have any interest in functional programing than you'll enjoy this article.

Are you dying to know more about Functors, Applicatives, and Monads? Well if the answer is yes, then this is the post for you. The article is written in Haskell, but the knowledge within can be applied to any programming language. You can find an identical article based on Swift, which may give you more clarity if you are familiar with Swift. Overall if you are still itching for that 'Ah Ha' moment with "Functors, Applicatives, and Monads" this post will do it for you. The illustrations in this article are some of the best cartoons I've ever seen for explaining code, especially complex topics like functional programming.

Functurs, Applicatives, and Monads


In February of 2015 someone wrote about the possibility of Apple releasing a UIKit for the desktop, known as "UXKit". UIKit is a framework in iOS which provides the infrastructure needed to construct mobile apps, manage user interfaces, implement interactions and more. UXKit will allow developers to build user interfaces and design interactions in their iPhone, iPad and Mac apps using two very similar frameworks: UIKit on iOS and UXKit on OS X. This would be really cool for Apple developers, but I've never heard any other mentions of UXKit. But with the new iPad Pro gaining a lot of attention, there could be a push towards an iPad OS. I think the iPad Pro could use a unique UIKit. One that is different from OSX and iOS. Of course this would create fragmentation in the mobile handheld market for Apple, but it could give developers a chance to build ideal Pro apps for the new iPad Pro.

If you are getting ready to redesign your website or if you just want to make a typographically harmonious layout then you should check out Gutenberg

Long words on the web tend to suffer when it comes to fixed width layouts. As a designer we have to make the decisions on how we want long text to be treated. With css we can dictate the usage of hyphens, word-break, overflow-wrap, and ellipsis.